☛ The Frac des Pays de la Loire maintains its actions in schools during this period of closure of cultural places, in agreement with its partners and in accordance with the sanity protocol.
Boris Achour, Gerard Byrne, Antoinette Ohannessian, Gala Porras-Kim
works from Frac des Pays de la Loire collection
3 rue Marie-Anne du Boccage
44000 Nantes
T 02 51 84 82 20 / https://guisthau.paysdelaloire.e-lyco.fr
Free entry
This exhibition is a module of L’ART EN VALISE system, which offers high schools and CFAs the opportunity to unite around a theme. In 2019/2021, the “exhibit” theme is available through exhibitions, boxes and workshops with artists. L'ART EN VALISE allows students to encounter works, artists and an approach to contemporary art professions.